

The program is designed to calculate the gradients of monovalent ions on the plasma membrane of animal cells, which play a key role in intra- and intercellular signaling, transmembrane transport of substances, and cell water balance. These gradients are considered as a consequence of the presence in the cell of negatively charged polyelectrolytes and 5 types of mechanisms responsible for the movement of monovalent ions through the membrane (pump, channels, cotransporters).

The physical and mathematical foundations for calculating flux balance equations, as well as the notation of variables and parameters, and the use of the program for analyzing real experimental data are described in open publications (Vereninov et al., 2014, 2016; Yurinskaya et al., 2019, 2020; Yurinskaya, Vereninov, 2021, 2022).

The minimum set of “input” experimental data is necessary to find the characteristic parameters of the cell’s electrochemical system for further calculation of unidirectional fluxes of all monovalent ions along each of the ion pathways, electrochemical gradients of all ions on the cell membrane under the balanced state and during transient processes caused by a change in the composition of the medium or characteristic parameters

How to use

For computation go here -> CELL-FLUX COMPUTATION


Yurinskaya, Valentina & Vereninov, Alexey. (2021). Role of cation-chloride cotransporters, Na/K-pump, and channels in cell water/ionic balance regulation under hyperosmolar conditions: in silico and experimental studies of opposite RVI and AVD responses of U937 cells to hyperosmolar media. 10.1101/2021.11.15.468591.

Yurinskaya, Valentina & Vereninov, Igor & Vereninov, Alexey. (2019). A Tool for Computation of Changes in Na+, K+, Cl− Channels and Transporters Due to Apoptosis by Data on Cell Ion and Water Content AlterationData_Sheet_1.ZIP. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 7. 10.3389/fcell.2019.00058.